Online Services



Policies and procedures play a role in the governance and management of an organisation. An organisation’s policies become part of its culture, and impact strongly on the work of the church.

Our policies will continued to be reviewed and updated with input from church pastors, pastoral teams and members to help improve the polices and management procedures which are important in the governance of the church.

Statement of Beliefs

Statement of Beliefs
Oct 2010 (previous 2009)


National Board

Board Rotation
August 2021 (previous, 2013 and 2002)


Pastors,  Pastoral Teams, Advisory Councils  : Sharing in Ministry

Ministry Fundamentals
August 2008
Code of Ethics for Elders
July 2011 (previous 1998)
Statement of Ethics for Pastoral Teams
July 2011 (previous March 2000)
Charter for Advisory Councils
July 2012 (previous 2009)

Whistleblower Policy

Third party reporting site:
Whisleblowing Policy
January 2020


Pastoral Expectations
November 1998
Bequests and Preamble
July 2011 (previous May 2007)

Financial Management

Financial Management
April 2012 (previous October 2006)

Child Safe Protocols

Child Safety Protocols
March 2019 (previous, Dec 2014/Oct 2006)
Child Safety Protocols - Additional Resources
June 2016 (previous October 2006)


Incident Reports:

Child Safe Training

Risk Management

Risk Management for Local Churches
July 2012 (previous February 2008)
Travel Policy
July 2011

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
July 2012

Overseas Mission Protocols

Overseas Mission Protocols
Under Revision (previous March 2009)


Policy and procedures play an important role in providing the accountability and auditing control required by our fellowship. Forms are a part of the procedures and are updated and improved from time to time. Please find the latest forms available with an appropiate version control date for your information.

If you have any feedback in regards to our policies and procedures please email our support help desk.

If you don’t have a printer or the local congregation does not have access to a printer, we can assist by sending copies of the forms. Please email the office to assist you in receiving the forms.

Deposit Forms

  Monthly Donation Report v2011.8 
 (This form is for regular contributions/donations)
  Emergency Fund Collection Report v2013.2
 (This forms is used for Emergency Fund collections)
  Special Collection Report v2012.11
 (This form is used for Special Offerings, and donations for purposes seperate from normal contributions/donations)


  Payment Approval Form (Beta) Needs to be downloaded - and opened in Adobe Acrobat reader not opened in your browser 2024.02 



Volunteer application - working with children

Incident Forms:

Risk Management

 Activity Planning Forms

Activity (Event) Planning (Online and Written Submission) (*NB updated Sept 2022 - Adobe Form)

For all church events including but not limited to, family picnics, dances, fundraisers, working bees, seniors’ outings, crèches or playgroups and youth activities.


Activity Planning Small Group Activities/Bible Studies (Online and Written Submission)
For all small group activities including but not limited to, meetings, small group activities, house church and small group Bible studies.

Risk Assessment Forms


Risk Assessment (Online Submission) (*NB to be updated - Save to disk and open with Adobe Reader)
For all church events including but not limited to, family picnics, dances, fundraisers, working bees, seniors’ outings, crèches or playgroups and youth activities.

 Risk Assessment (Written Submission)
This is the form that can be written on rather then submitted online, for those without computer or internet access, Can be mailed, faxed and/or scanned and then emailed to

Fire Evacuation Reporting and Training Forms

Fire Evacuation Summary (Appendix A)
Please complete the Fire and Evacuation Guidelines - Practice record, file locally and send a copy to the National Office on completion.

Fire Evacuation Annual Staff Training (Appendix B)
We have adopted the Queensland Building and Fire Saftey Regulation 2008 (QBFSR 2008 Sections 35 & 36) nationally to provide staff and volunteers with Fire and Evacuation Instructions.
Please complete annual staff training record for all volunteers, file locally and send a copy to the National Office on completion

Online reporting system


The pastor, pastoral team member or Risk Management volunteer will immediately report to the National Office any of the following:

  • wrongful advice or
  • libel and slander/defamation
  • Incident or Accident

through the church's Incident and Accident online reporting facility @


Other Forms


First Aid Form  (Written Submission)
(To be utilised by first aid officers in treating
attendees or participants.To be filed safely at local church congregations.


First Aid Form  (Electronic)
(To be utilised by first aid officers and can be completed online and uploaded to the Incident reporting system at )


Reporting Essentials